
Reaching – Page 10

I think I’m finally starting to feel more comfortable drawing hands.

8 thoughts on “Reaching – Page 10”

  1. @doug: Hah haa… Sorry Doug… I’m still working on things, no worries. Hopefully have a new page up soon.

  2. Hey Jim! As always, impressed by your output! Don’t think you need to agonize over the drawing too much, your’e fine. Look forward to see how things develop and then buy the inevitable collection of strips offa Fantagraphics when it happens!

    At which point we, the faithful, can then say “we liked his early stuff better” etc. Ha!

    Seriously, I think your story-telling is coming on leaps and bounds, and that the silent approach is driving that, and I for one think your’e on a very positive path and look forward to each installment.

    Because of my previous computer-disc faliure and loss of artwork I’ve lost my little Gravatar, and feel a touch naked without it – will sort out asap. How embarrassing to be caught with your Gravatar down! :(

    Keep it up dude, see you soon!!!

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